Common Mistakes to Avoid in Office Composting and How to Fix Them

Implementing a composting program in your office can significantly reduce waste, lower your carbon footprint, and contribute to a healthier environment. However, many offices need help with common pitfalls that can derail their efforts and lead to frustration. This blog post is designed to help you navigate these challenges by identifying frequent mistakes and offering practical solutions.

Composting in the workplace isn't just about placing a bin in the kitchen. It involves a comprehensive approach that includes proper waste sorting, regular maintenance, and active employee participation. When done correctly, office composting can improve your sustainability practices, enhance corporate social responsibility, and even reduce waste disposal costs. But, without the right strategies, it can become a source of odours, pests, and confusion.

In this guide, we'll cover offices' most common mistakes when starting a composting program and provide actionable tips to overcome them. From ensuring proper waste sorting to maintaining clean and odour-free bins, we'll share best practices to help you create a successful composting system. We will also discuss how to engage employees and coordinate with maintenance staff to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Whether you're just starting with office composting or looking to improve an existing program, this blog post will equip you with the knowledge you need to avoid common pitfalls and achieve a smooth, efficient composting process. Let's dive in and make your office composting efforts a success.

Improper Waste Sorting

One of the most common mistakes in office composting is improper waste sorting. When non-compostable items are mixed with compostable waste, the compost is contaminated and can become unusable. This not only defeats the purpose of composting but also discourages employees from participating in the program.


Clear Signage:

  1. Ensure compost bins are clearly labelled with what can and cannot be composted. Use large, visible signs with text and images to help employees quickly identify the right items. For example, in Kitchener, you can find printable guides and signage from the Region of Waterloo’s waste management resources. Clearly mark items like fruits, vegetables, coffee grounds, and approved compostable paper products as compostable while reminding employees to avoid non-compostable items like plastic, glass, and metals​ (Office Compost Program)​​ (Recycle Coach)​.

Employee Education:

  1. Conduct regular training sessions to educate employees on proper composting practices. This can be done through brief workshops, informational emails, and regular reminders during staff meetings. Emphasize the environmental benefits of composting and how each person’s participation makes a difference. In Kitchener, local organizations and waste management services often offer resources and support for such training sessions​ (​​ (Earth911)​.

Visual Aids and Lists:

  1. Place visual aids and lists near the compost bins as constant reminders. These can include images of compostable items and common mistakes to avoid. Using bright colours and engaging designs can catch employees' attention and reinforce correct sorting practices. Creating a “What Goes Where” guide specific to your office’s composting program can also be very effective​ (Recycle Coach)​​ (Earth911)​.

Ensuring proper waste sorting can prevent contamination and make your office composting program more effective and efficient. Clear communication and ongoing education are vital to maintaining a successful composting initiative in the workplace.

This step helps the environment and enhances your office's overall sustainability efforts, making it a win-win for everyone involved. For businesses in Kitchener, working with local waste management services like Kitchener Clean can provide additional support and resources to optimize your composting program.

Inadequate Bin Maintenance

One of the biggest challenges in maintaining an office composting program is keeping the bins clean and odour-free. Without proper maintenance, compost bins can quickly become a source of unpleasant smells and attract pests, discouraging employees from participating.


Regular Emptying and Cleaning:

  1. Establish a routine for emptying and cleaning compost bins. Depending on your office's size and the compostable waste volume, bins should be emptied at least once and possibly twice a week. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of residue that can cause odours and attract pests. In Kitchener, companies like Kitchener Clean offer services to handle this task, ensuring bins are always maintained in optimal condition​ (Office Compost Program)​​ (Earth911)​.

Use of Compostable Liners:

  1. Line your compost bins with approved compostable bags. These liners help contain any liquids and prevent scraps from sticking to the sides of the bin, making it easier to clean. For example, in the Region of Waterloo, you can use paper liner bags or certified compostable plastic bags. Using liners simplifies transferring waste and keeps the bins cleaner for longer​ (Office Compost Program)​​ (Recycle Coach)​.

Proper Sealing:

  1. Make sure compost bins are equipped with tight-fitting lids. This helps contain any odours and prevents pests from accessing the waste. Encourage employees to always close the lid after depositing their compostable items. A well-sealed bin can make a significant difference in maintaining a pleasant office environment​ (​​ (Earth911)​.

Strategic Bin Placement:

  1. Place compost bins in convenient, high-traffic areas such as the kitchen or break room. Having bins easily accessible encourages employees to use them correctly and frequently. Additionally, consider placing smaller bins in areas where employees might have food waste, like near desks or meeting rooms, and then emptying these into the larger main bin daily​ (RoadRunner)​​ (Office of General Services)​.

Following these tips for regular maintenance and strategic placement ensures that your office composting program remains clean, efficient, and user-friendly. A well-maintained composting system not only prevents odours and pests but also encourages ongoing participation from your team, contributing to a more sustainable and pleasant office environment.

Lack of Employee Buy-In

Getting employees on board with your office composting program is crucial for its success. Without active participation, even the best-planned initiatives can fall short. Here are some strategies to boost engagement and ensure everyone is committed to composting.


Training Sessions and Workshops:

  1. Start by educating your team about the importance of composting and how it works. Host training sessions or workshops to explain the benefits and procedures of composting in the office. Make these sessions interactive and engaging, using real examples and demonstrations. In Kitchener, you can leverage resources from local environmental organizations or invite a sustainability expert to lead the sessions​ (Sustainable America)​​ (Earth911)​.

Incentives and Rewards:

  1. Encourage participation by creating incentives and rewards. This could be as simple as recognizing the most active composters in a monthly newsletter or offering small prizes for those who consistently compost correctly. Consider organizing office-wide challenges, like seeing which department can divert the most waste from landfills. These incentives can make composting fun and competitive, fostering a sense of teamwork​ (​​ (Earth911)​.

Regular Communication:

  1. Keep the conversation about composting going. Regularly share updates on the program's impact, such as the amount of waste diverted from landfills or the environmental benefits achieved. Use email newsletters, bulletin boards, or team meetings to communicate these successes. Highlighting positive outcomes helps reinforce the initiative's importance and keeps it top of mind for employees​ (Sustainable America)​​ (RoadRunner)​.

Visible Reminders:

  1. Place signs and posters around the office to remind employees about composting. Visual aids, like posters above bins or infographics in common areas, can serve as constant reminders of what can be composted and why it matters. Ensure these reminders are clear, colourful, and easy to understand to maximize their effectiveness​ (Recycle Coach)​​ (​.

Engage Champions:

  1. Identify and empower a few enthusiastic employees to act as composting champions. These champions can help answer questions, assist with training, and motivate their colleagues. Having dedicated individuals who are passionate about the program can significantly boost overall engagement and ensure the initiative runs smoothly​ (Earth911)​.

By implementing these strategies, you can cultivate a culture of sustainability within your office and ensure all employees embrace your composting program. Engaged and informed employees are critical to the success of any environmental initiative, making your office a leader in sustainable practices.

Insufficient Bin Capacity

A common issue many offices face is needing more compost bins or using bins too small to handle the volume of waste generated. This can lead to overflow, odours, and a general reluctance among employees to participate in composting.


Assess Composting Needs:

  1. Begin by evaluating your office's composting needs. Conduct a waste audit to determine the amount and types of organic waste your office generates daily. This will help you decide the number and size of bins required. In Kitchener, you can utilize services from local waste management companies to perform this assessment accurately​ (Sustainable America)​​ (Earth911)​.

Provide Adequate Bin Capacity:

  1. Based on your assessment, ensure enough bins are available for compostable waste. It's better to have slightly more capacity than needed to avoid overflow. Consider using a combination of large bins in central locations and smaller bins in individual offices or workstations. This approach ensures that employees always have a convenient place to dispose of compostable items​ (RoadRunner)​​ (Recycle Coach)​.

Strategic Bin Placement:

  1. Place compost bins in high-traffic, convenient areas such as kitchens, break rooms, and near desks. The easier it is for employees to access the bins, the more likely they will use them correctly. Make sure the bins are clearly marked and easy to identify. Placing bins strategically can significantly increase participation rates and ensure the composting program runs smoothly​ (Office Compost Program)​​ (​.

Regular Monitoring and Adjustment:

  1. Monitor the bins regularly to ensure they are not overflowing, and adjust the number and size of bins as needed. This might involve periodic check-ins to see if additional bins are required or if existing bins need to be relocated. Flexibility is key to maintaining an efficient composting program that can adapt to changing needs​ (​​ (Earth911)​.

Ensuring that your office has sufficient compost bin capacity can prevent overflow and unpleasant odours, making the composting process more efficient and pleasant for everyone. Adequate bin capacity and strategic placement are crucial components of a successful office composting program, helping to foster a culture of sustainability in your workplace.

Miscommunication with Maintenance Staff

Effective communication with your maintenance staff is crucial for a successful office composting program. If maintenance staff are not correctly handling compost waste, it can lead to contamination, overflow, and other issues that can undermine the entire effort.


Training and Education:

  1. Ensure that your maintenance staff receives thorough training on composting procedures. This training should cover what items can be composted, how to properly empty and clean compost bins, and the importance of maintaining a clean and odour-free composting area. Providing regular refresher courses can help keep everyone up to date. In Kitchener, local environmental groups and waste management services often offer training resources that can be utilized for this purpose​ (Office Compost Program)​​ (Earth911)​.

Clear Labeling and Instructions:

  1. Clearly label all compost bins with detailed instructions on what can and cannot be composted. This reduces confusion and ensures that the compost remains uncontaminated. Use both text and images to make the labels as clear and accessible as possible. Place these labels in prominent locations on or near the bins to serve as a constant reminder for both employees and maintenance staff​ (Sustainable America)​​ (Recycle Coach)​.

Foster Collaboration:

  1. Encourage collaboration between employees and maintenance staff to ensure the composting program runs smoothly. Hold regular meetings to discuss any issues or concerns that may arise and to brainstorm solutions. Creating a feedback loop where maintenance staff can share their observations and suggestions can help identify problems early and improve the system continuously​ (​​ (Earth911)​.

Dedicated Responsibilities:

  1. Assign specific responsibilities to maintenance staff regarding the composting program. Clearly defined roles ensure accountability and help prevent tasks from being overlooked. For example, designate someone to be responsible for checking and emptying the bins on a regular schedule and another person to handle cleaning and maintenance​ (RoadRunner)​​ (Office of General Services)​.

By addressing miscommunication and ensuring that your maintenance staff are well-trained and involved in the composting process, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of your office composting program. Clear communication, ongoing education, and active collaboration are vital to maintaining a successful composting initiative that benefits the environment and your workplace.


Avoiding common mistakes in office composting is essential for creating a sustainable and efficient program. Addressing issues such as improper waste sorting, inadequate bin maintenance, lack of employee buy-in, insufficient bin capacity, and miscommunication with maintenance staff can ensure the success of your composting efforts.


  • Proper Waste Sorting: Use clear signage and educate employees on what can and cannot be composted​ (Sustainable America)​​ (Recycle Coach)​.
  • Bin Maintenance: Establish a regular schedule for emptying and cleaning bins, use compostable liners, and ensure bins are correctly sealed​ (Office Compost Program)​​ (Earth911)​.
  • Employee Engagement: Conduct training sessions, offer incentives, communicate regularly, and use visible reminders to keep employees involved​ (​​ (Earth911)​.
  • Adequate Bin Capacity: Assess your office’s composting needs, provide sufficient bins, and place them strategically to encourage use​ (RoadRunner)​​ (Recycle Coach)​.
  • Communication with Maintenance Staff: Train maintenance staff, clearly label bins, foster collaboration, and assign specific responsibilities​ (RoadRunner)​​ (Office of General Services)​.

Ongoing Education and Communication:

Regularly updating and educating your team about composting practices ensures that everyone remains informed and engaged. Continuous communication helps to address any issues promptly and keeps the program running smoothly​ (​​ (Earth911)​.


We encourage offices to start or enhance their composting programs using the tips provided. Small, consistent efforts can significantly positively impact the environment and workplace sustainability.

Call to Action:

Contact Kitchener Clean for professional assistance in setting up and maintaining your office composting program. Our services are tailored to meet your workplace's specific needs, ensuring a successful and hassle-free composting experience. Visit our website for more resources and related blog posts to support your sustainability journey.

By following these strategies, your office can create a robust composting program that benefits the environment and your organization. Contact Kitchener Clean today to get started on making your office a greener, more sustainable place.


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